BL Lighting is currently developing a comprehensive Building Information Modelling (BIM) catalog of all lighting products and system variations. These files will be readily available from the Resource section on our website.

Our intention is to support the collaboration between lighting designers, engineers, and beyond – at both early and late stages of the design – with BIM. There is, of course, the productivity benefit as BIM will directly support the design process (even beyond the lighting plan), and will strengthen communication within the project team.

A Potential Yet To Be Seen

We understand there will be challenges with integration; specifically, BIM software and lighting calculation software. If creating a lighting plan, design and – most importantly – calculations through BIM software were a sound possibility, this would eliminate the need for third-party lighting calculations. Achieving this harmony, though, may be some time away.

The future BIM suggests is that one daylighting design will no longer be a secondary or tertiary part of the design. Lighting design, rather, will be a component part of the initial building design itself.